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Website &

Mobile App


AI-powered, piece-picking robots designed for e-commerce order fulfillment.


Design a customer portal for onsite warehouse workers to communicate with tech support when using the Kindred machines. Workers can create tickets for issues, review solutions/information and manage their own tickets.

Below are a selection of wireframes and layout drafts for the main screens. The general layout needed to be similar enough to stock customer portals so users would be instantly familiar with it. Keeping things simple, efficient and visually appealing/on-brand was the goal.


Below is a sample of the primary screens on web and mobile. Web includes some hover effects.



At Kindred, Product Support Specialist's control the robotic arms by 'piloting' them. At first, we'd control the arm using a space navigation mouse to move the arm in a 3D space. We had a few other simple interactions such as aborting a pick or locking into 1 piloting orb. Below is the interface when I first arrived at Kindred.

Over time, the arm became more advanced and new features were added. Eventually, an entirely new interface needed to be designed. Aside from improving the overall layout and visual style, the interface also needed to have multiple inputs and alerts to increase the accessibility standards. Examples of this include:

-a green highlight around the screen and a sound cue to alert users of new items in the bin.

-Clear button inputs with noticeable hover and click effects. 

-Every on-screen button has a corresponding button on the keyboard.


Below is the Kindred brochure that is paired with every machine that gives a quick guide on 'How To Sort'